
Evr lie in ur bed w/d nxt hundrd thngs u hav 2 do runing thru ur head? evr lost touch nd let a gud frndshp die coz u nevr hd a tym to call nd say hi? Wen u run so fast 2 get sumwer u mis half d fun of getting dr. Wen u worry nd hurry thru ur day, its lyk an unopend gift thrown away. Take tym 2 listn 2 d rain slappng on d ground or gaze at d sun in a fading sky. Life's nt a race. Do take it slower. Hear its song b4 its over..

find a person hu wnats ti kis ur lips evryday,hu lifts & hugs u wen ur jealous, hu patiently kips silent wen ur mad, hu fixes ur hair jst to see ur face, & d 1 hu wnts to hav lunch w/u w/ his/her family, d 1 hu shares his/her drinks w/u, hu squizes ur hand 2geder wen u squiz his/her, & d 1 hul wnt 2 cut 1 day of work jst 2 hav a d8 w/u..find sum1 hu plans&imagines his/her future w/u 5yrs from now, & wen u find him/her..

NEVER let go.

Wen u luv,nvr stik only 2 wt ur hart fils.. smtyms usng ur brain s a necesity..Nvr use ur eyes 2 cry 4 d 1 hu fooledu..Instead use it 2 search 4d ryt 1.. Dnt b scared of breakin up, kiping a relationshp w/a selfsh oartnr s scarier..Luv d1 hu wil fyt 4u nd brvely face each nd evry consequence.. Luv d1 hu wil acpt nd luv u mor despte great mstkes u did.. Luv d1 hu holds on..Sum1 hu wud nvr let d filings b gone.. Luv s a gift, not a obligation..

The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called FAILURE. A loop called CONFUSION. Speed bumps called FRIENDS. Red lights called ENEMIES. Caution lights called FAMILY. You will have flats called JOBS. But if you have a spare called DETERMINATION, An engine called PERSEVERANCE, Insurance called FAITH, A driver called "GOD" You will make it to a place called SUCCESS!!!

8 Truths to remember
1.Faith is the ability to not panic.
2.If you worry, you didn't pray. If you pray, don't worry.
3.Do the math. Count your blessings.
4.God wants spiritual truths, not religious nuts.
5.Laugh everyday, it's like inner jogging.
6.Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.
7.Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted.
8.There is no key to happiness, the door is always open!

"there's always a possibility that a person can get attracted to another. it's human nature. it's not wrong. but that's why you are in a COMMITMENT. you DISCIPLINE yourself. one may get attracted to numerous prospects and it's okay as long as you DON'T nurse the feeling and won't do something about it. DON'T CROSS the borderline between cheating and faithfulness. recognize the reality that you already have the person that can give you MORE than what you get from the CHEAP THRILLS of attraction."

Real friends, r not those, hu r nice, 2b w/, but, rather, thos hu, r nice, 2talk, w/, coz they, dnt only, listen, dey understand, not only, ur words but, most of all, ur silence..

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